TESeeker v1.04
OVF Meta Information
OVF Hard Disk
TESeeker released under the
GNU GPL v3 License.
Representative TE Library
TEibrary (
FASTA) format
Representative sequences were chosen manually from
Repbase and the literature. LTR reverse transcriptases chosen with the assistance of
Jose Manuel C. Tubío.
Library Details
The library currently consists of 475 representative amino acid coding regions. For Class I TEs, the library consists of 227 LTR amino acid sequences representing the cer1, copia, csrn1, Cyclops, gypsy, mag, mdg1, mdg3, osvaldo, PaoBel, and Ty3 families and 49 non-LTR amino acid sequences also representing the CR1, I, Jockey, L1, L2, LOA, Loner, Outcast, R1, R4, and RTE families. For Class II TEs, the library consists of 199 amino acid sequences representing the gambol, hAT, mariner, p, piggyBac, pogo, and Tc1 families.
Suggestions for additional sequences in the library are welcome.